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The CellSave


Beating the baby blues

We’ve all heard about the baby blues and it’s only natural to feel emotional after birth. But what causes these highs and lows, what should you expect, and when is it time to get help? Whichever way you look at it, having a baby is a huge deal with major physical, as well as hormonal, […]

featured mom

Featured Mum: Denizz Nateghi

Denizz Nateghi is a 28-year-old beauty blogger and lifestyle influencer who has lived in Dubai for nine years. A life-long passion for art and colours led her into the world of makeup and she has built a massive Instagram following sharing her secrets with stunning imagery and informative videos at @denizz_makeup. Denizz’s daughter Celine was […]


Breastfeeding 101: all your questions answered

Breastfeeding is one of the biggest worries many mums face and whilst it’s natural to have concerns, there’s plenty you can do to ease those nerves. We asked midwife Martha Clayton from Genesis Perinatal Clinic to answer a few questions. Can I prepare for breastfeeding before the birth?                  Physically speaking, there isn’t anything you can […]

featured mom

Featured Mum: Nicole Lovelock Mears

Nicole Lovelock Mears moved to Dubai with her husband five years ago and it’s been a busy time in the sun ever since. As well as focusing on her career as a training manager, Nicole is a recognisable face thanks to her popular blog She Dined in the Sun. Plus, the couple welcomed their daughter […]


The top 10 pregnancy myths busted

Being pregnant is a wonderful time but it can also be confusing. Your body is changing in so many ways and it can start to feel like it’s no longer your own. Add to that an ever-expanding list of things that you should or shouldn’t do and it’s enough to send your stress levels soaring! […]

featured mom

Featured Mum: Youmna Ghaziri

Youmna Ghaziri is a full-time Mum and activist. When her oldest daughter was eight she developed a rare genetic condition, Erythromelalgia. Also known as Man on Fire disease, the condition is characterised by intense burning pain of the extremities, severe redness and increased skin temperature that may be episodic or almost continuous. Its occurrence, which […]

Protect your family
with newborn stem
cell storage

Join the millions of families that are taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve their powerful newborn’s stem cells at birth.